Glenryck Pilchards Hot Chilli

$6.95 aud


High in Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish are high in first class proteins and in some cases as a source of oils. Oily fish such as pilchards, mackerel and salmon store most of their oil within the muscular flesh. It's important to have some fat in our diet because fat helps the body absorb some vitamins, it's a good source of energy and a source of the essential fatty acids that hte body can't make itself. Omega 3's are specific polyunsaturated fats with beneficial Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenic acid (DHA). These fatty acids have been shown to help protect against coronary heart disease. Glenryck brand Pilchards are sourced from a number of different places, amongst others, South Africa and Namibia, where the fish are caught from the South Atlantic Ocean.


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